Art History Reports
Yesterday was a wrap up of Art History. I am so impressed with Luke, Isabel, Ben, and Luke. They know something about and can recognize paintings from these artists...
Vincent Van Gogh Leonardo da Vinci Jackson Pollock Mary Cassatt Edgar Degas Pablo Picasso M.C. Escher Norman Rockwell Gustav Klimt Andy Warhol Claude Monet Wassily Kandinsky Georgia O'Keeffe
I had them each write anything they can remember about their favorite artist and then write why they like that artist. They then drew a picture depicting the subject or style of that artist. Luke V. and Luke S. both liked M.C. Escher the best. I am wondering if this M.C. Escher in Legos sold them on him.
Luke's report
Here is Luke's M.C. Escher style sketch. I love how he has signed his name in all different directions so that you can't tell which way the picture is supposed to go.
Isabel's report was on Georgia O'Keeffe.
Isabel's southwest landscape.