Filtering by Category: Science

A Stitch AND Time

I am always so proud of myself when I get out craft projects for my kids because I really don't enjoy it...especially sewing.  Yesterday morning I was inspired by Life in a Pink House's post with her cute daughters stitching.  My girls had fun drawing a picture on some cloth, then picking out colored thread and stitching.  Luke is in the background probably drawing another line man maze.



We have started reading A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle as our read a loud book.  I love reading books from my childhood to my children.  (Especially since most of them I can't remember so well.)

Another Trip to the Cemetery

When the Utah grandparents came, we went on another trip to the cemetery.

Sylvia brought her stuffed horse.

When Sylvia saw this headstone she said, "I think a horse is buried here!"

At the top of the little hill with the flagpole on it.

This is one of my favorite graves.

The cutest grave was that of a little boy.  It had child size benches around it and even a box of tissues.  Isabel and Sylvia sat and fake cried for a while.