Filtering by Category: Family
House Husband
Over the weekend I went with 21 other women to hike and camp in Havasupai. The hike was a total of twenty or so miles and not being a hiker, outdoorsie, a runner or an anything, I am very proud that I made it out alive and what's more, with a great experience.
The very best part of the trip was when I got home, the house was clean, Joey had fixed our waterfall/pond, he also enlisted the kids in helping him clean the schoolroom (that we have never actually used as a schoolroom yet because it's been such a disaster.)
As you can see he also did a few loads of laundry, swam with them, and took them to the movies.
Friday morning Joey dressed the kids up as cows (with Isabel's help) and got free meals at Chick-fil-a. As you can see we are not afraid to sacrifice our children's dignity for free food.
Sylvia looks thrilled.
This picture makes me laugh. Both her feet are an inch from the ground.
Joey also took them to the zoo. I think Joey needs to be the house husband, or I really need to go on vacation by myself more often.
We Love Road Trips!
It always takes us at least two days to prepare for a road trip and when we leave our house is usually a mess. This will be our first trip in a long time with NO DIAPERS!!! (although I've packed some adult diapers for us all in case we are really in a hurry and have to skip bathroom stops...KIDDING.) Here are the girls cleaning the car for me. They really ended up fighting and wiping the windows with cleaning wipes (which I told them to avoid) so it was more trouble but the point is that they thought they were helping...right?
Here is ninja master Sylvia making us some sub sandwiches.
Look out, she's got skills...sandwich making skills.
The white band is actually toilet paper and I think she wanted it there because earlier she was pretending to be a dog with a head injury.