Filtering by Category: Family

Campfire in our Yard

Here is Sylvia and her partner in crime, Jacob.  Even though they are four years apart, they are always hopping the wall, playing Pokemon, and having all kinds of fun together.  They have very similar personalities; very loving yet mischievous.

Joey busted out the chainsaw and pieced up one of our dead trees.  Luke has some campfire requirements that he needed to do for cub scouts so we had him make us a campfire in our backyard.

We roasted wienies and marshmallows.

Sylvia wanted to stay up until we saw the stars.

Family Field Trip on the City Bus

Friday morning we ate at Frank's.  Can't beat $1.75 breakfast!

Waiting for the city bus (or the "Sun Tran")

While waiting for the bus we saw this bus.

Pole dancing on the bus.

Don't ask.

Chasing birds in the park.

Did you know Tucson has a Trolley!?  That will be our next family field trip.

We walked around 4th street where there are many artsy, vintage, health, and book shops.  Also, twice a year they have the 4th street art fair here.

A little kokopelli family in the floor at the health food market.

Luke's favorite shop was this plant store where we got a lesson on carnivorous plants.  We learned about the ten foot corpse plant.   It eats a whole rabbit or a pig every 5 to 7 years.



Talking to Strangers = Cookies and a Bounce House

In Sabrina School we teach that talking to strangers is a good thing and that if a stranger offers you cookies, you eat them! The other day while on a walk we met an old lady in a wheelchair who promised us cookies if we visited her. Yesterday we walked over to her house, chatted for a while then got our cookies. Also while on our walk, we met a mom with a 2 year old. After talking for a while she invited us over to jump in their jump house.

I didn't want her to think I was a crazy lady taking pictures in her backyard, but no picture no proof, so while she wasn't looking I snapped this one...

We then ate our favorite meal for lunch, bagel faces!


Luke's Cyclopes

Hazel's "bagel face"