Filtering by Category: Family

Salt Lake City Trip

Buying supplies for the annual trip where three generations go out for a weekend of trickin' and killin'.  Joey, Luke and Grandpa Joe's fishing trip!

Once we got rid of the boys in Saint George, Utah, us girls drove north to Salt Lake City to have a girl weekend with Aunt Natalie!  (Baby Jack was allowed to attend the girl weekend.)  Here we are making a stop in Nephi, Utah at a Burger King.  Love their veggie burger.

Love their "Twilight" crowns!

When we arrived, we each got a, specially handmade by Natalie, bag.

Thanks Natalie, the girls loved it!  And my orangie bag is now my art pencil and pen holder!

We visited a neighbors garden.

Hazel kissing Jack's head.

Eating garden tomatoes.

Hazel dancing.

more dance moves.

The girls each had a turn in the hammock.


Natalie helped the girls sew their own little pillows with their initial on it.

Sylvia calls her pillow her headache pillow and only uses it if she bonks her head.

Visited Gardener's Village.

Each shop was too cute.

Here I am after purchasing these cute dolls from the Doll Shop.


The little girls got baby dolls from great grandmother Kay.

Isabel got some handmade by Kay Little Women dolls.  She loves them and I am trying to figure out a way that I could somehow frame/display them that would allow Isabel to still get them out and touch them if she wanted to.  Any ideas?

Hazel was very cuddly with Kay.

Natalie and Jack!

What the?

Party at Kay's house.

Kay and Isabel.

History Par-tay!!!

Yesterday we had our very last lesson from the book, Story of the World.  I love this book for history.  It is in chronological order and written as a story (less textbookishly).  I am so impressed with how many things Luke and Isabel (and even Sylvia) have learned.  I am also happy that I have learned a lot as well.  Going through this book is just more proof to me that I NEVER listened or knew what was going on in school.  How come no one ever told me about this neat guy...what's his name?  Julius Caesar?  Speaking of him, we ended with the fall of the Roman Empire so our party's theme was, you guessed it, the Roman Empire.

We had friends over to celebrate with us.  Here is Isabel making the deviled eggs (I guess Roman's ate a lot of eggs??)

Luke cut and prepared the grapes.

Once I said the word "Party" Sylvia had to have a party hat for it.  Here she is helping me make the pizza dough.  Pizza without marinara sauce mind you.  I guess in ancient Rome that's the way they did it.

Hazel washed the dishes...yeah right.

I don't have any pictures of the actual par-tay because we were having way too much fun matching Latin and English words as well as making our own mosaics.

I am not so sure they had Italian Sodas back then :)  and somehow there were some homemade Chinese lanterns at this party.  But I guess we learned about Ancient China as well, so they were appropriate.