Vegetarian Indian Food June 19, 2010 / Sabrina We went out with the Claytons to eat some vegetarian Indian food. I like vegetarian, I like Indian, I like food, I also like vegetarian Indian food, but let's just say that it sure was an experience. Jack is such a good baby. Yay. 1 Comment 0 Likes categories / Art, Education, Family, Fhe, Home Schooling, Reading, School, Science, Unschooling
Isabel's Quilt Class June 19, 2010 / Sabrina Isabel loved her quilting class so much that she wanted to arrive at least ten minutes early every morning. Here she is displaying her handiwork! She was the youngest in the class. Proud mom. Crazy babies. 2 Comments 0 Likes categories / Art, Education, Family, Fhe, Home Schooling, Reading, School, Science, Unschooling
More of the Claytons June 15, 2010 / Sabrina Dinner out on the front patio. Kid's table! I think Natalie was trying to take a picture of Hazel and we got in the way. I love this picture. Luke is such a good brother. Cute. Sylvia loves Uncky Justin. What a good dad. Comment 0 Likes categories / Art, Education, Family, Fhe, Home Schooling, Reading, School, Science, Unschooling