Filtering by Category: Family

Piano Recital

Luke has a couple of years of piano under his belt already but Isabel only has a couple of months.  She played a duet with her teacher!  Isabel was so beautiful and always.  She is such a lady.

Luke played the piano beautifully!  After the concert, his teacher told me that at his lesson the day before, he figured out that he could peek inside of the piano and watch the hammers move.  It became difficult for him to keep his eyes on his book.  He is Mr. Curious.

Wendy's frosties afterward.

3/4 of the concert I was out in the hall with this kid.

It took a lot of reminders but Sylvia was able to stay inside with Joey.

Fathers and Sons...(and Sylvias) Camp Out

This post is long overdue.  Over Mother's Day weekend, Joey took Luke and Sylvia to the Fathers and Sons Camp Out.  The reason why Sylvia got to be a son was  because the event was through our church and there aren't very many fathers or sons in our church. We found out that Sylvia's friend was going to tag along so may as well let Sylvia go also.

Father and Son!

Kids with guns, how adorable.

Third Wheel!

Google Documents

The other day I showed Luke and Isabel Google Documents.  They both got excited to have their very own files....NERDS!  Isabel made a Mad Libs story.  I don't know how she knew how to do the parentheses,  smaller font, etc.  Luke spent his time using some kind of spreadsheet to make an alphabetically arranged list of video game characters.  Here is Isabel's Mad Libs and I'll spare you Luke's list...