Filtering by Category: Family
Another Trip to the Cemetery
When the Utah grandparents came, we went on another trip to the cemetery.
Sylvia brought her stuffed horse.
When Sylvia saw this headstone she said, "I think a horse is buried here!"
At the top of the little hill with the flagpole on it.
This is one of my favorite graves.
The cutest grave was that of a little boy. It had child size benches around it and even a box of tissues. Isabel and Sylvia sat and fake cried for a while.
California Grandparents
This last week the California Grandparents came to visit! Here is a paper towel garden we made!...don't ask.
Feeding the giraffes at the zoo is always a big hit!
Hazel with her grandpa!
The day before, grandpa had just given Luke and Isabel a little lesson on South America. At the zoo there is a "South American" section. Here they are looking at the blank map and naming the countries.
Jane Goodall was at the zoo! She was there as a speaker. She talked about how even when she was a little girl she knew she wanted to go to Africa and study animals and people would laugh at her "unrealistic" dream.
The cemetery is always a big hit too. Joey and I decided that the reason why we love this cemetery is that anything goes as far as what you can put up on the graves. One of our favorite graves has a huge bench with solar lights. It is also decorated with cute little trinkets. Here are some farm animals Hazel loved.