Filtering by Category: Family


I am going to put this calm picture of Sylvia up just to counterbalance what's to follow.

Today while in a store, Luke, Isabel and Sylvia were playing in the toy department.  I let them know that I would be over in the shoe department for a few minutes.  While I was browsing down the shoe aisle with Hazel in the cart, I thought about how nice it was that I could leave the bigger kids for a bit.  When I got back to the toy department, Luke and Isabel were doing pretty much the same thing they were doing when I left them.  Sylvia however, was crouched inside of a clothes rack...NAKED.

Here is one of the many creations of this afternoon.  Today when I recognized it as "art" (and not just a mess as I usually call it) Sylvia seemed very happy that I "got it."

Isabel and I had fun with her new birthday present from her aunt, making T shirts!  Or in this case, making a onesie!

I LOVE Isabel's cute style of drawing and her great perspective.

Luke makes these LineMan mazes/video games on paper.  If you look closely, you can see the magic ax you need to get, the picks, spikes, and "warps."  (I feel like I am the best mom in the world when I sit down and play his LineMan games.)

Here is Hazel doing her thing.