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Hell No! I Got "F's" in School!

Today was a great day.  A great day to me is feeling successful at three main things.  Here are the three items I juggle (in no particular order.)

1.  Spending quality learning time with the kids (AKA homeschooling)

2.  Working on my art

3.  Cleaning/Cooking

Mind you, these are NOT the most important things to me, just the three tasks that I need to make sure I do every day.  Most important things would be things like, having fun with my kids, loving my husband, being a better person, blah blah blah.

I know I've mentioned our fun History curriculum before.  Today we learned about Alexander the Great.  Luke already knew the knot story!  I sure didn't, and that is the great thing about homeschooling, I get to learn with them!...or like today, FROM them.


After someone finds out that I homeschool, their first question for me is, "So did you major in Education in college?"  I used to feel very self conscious, but now I am proud to answer, "Hell no!  I got "F's" in school!"  I'm not putting down college, I would like my kids to go there (if it's what they need to do to get where they want to be.)  But I know I have an advantage.  I am learning along with my children, not lecturing to them, and I hope that I am a good example to them that you never get to a point where you know everything and you never stop learning.

I've said this before, but, why would I need someone else to tell me that I am qualified to teach my children?  I know their weaknesses and strengths better than anyone.  I know what they need and I've been teaching them since they were born. WORD.


The Pharos Lighthouse

Pima Air and Space Museum

Another fun "every other Friday" where Joey doesn't have to work and we all go on a field trip.  This time we visited the Pima Air and Space Museum.  It was a lot of fun.  So much information there!

Hazel driving.

This was the most clothed picture of a woman on the airplanes.

Because I giggle at the name Bungay Buckaroo, does that make me immature?  I also loved another airplane name, Petulant Porpoise...very creative.

They had wagons there for the kids which was great.  An old man came up to us and said, "Let them walk, it's good for them!"  After that I wanted to go up to the shuttle filled with old people and say to the driver, "Let them walk, it's good for them!"  HA.

In the space place, they had a moon globe (you know, a globe of the moon) I really want one now.  They are about $55 online and my birthday is coming up in November!