Filtering by Category: Family

Tucson Gem and Mineral Show

This morning I gave each child $5 and we headed out to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show.  From what I understand, it is the largest Gem and Mineral Show in the world.  They had all kinds of beads, stones, jewelry and miscellaneous.  We had fun but only stayed long enough to find a few treasures.  We were mostly scoping it our for this weekend when our friends from Las Vegas visit.  It should be a fun activity.

This is a little random, but this t-shirt that Hazel is wearing is my very favorite. I know it doesn't look like much, but it is so thin that she is just so soft and cuddly in it.  (oh, and I love her little moon eyes when she smiles.  And I still can't tell what color her hair is going to be.)

Here is a song that we like to sing to Hazel.  In case you can't understand it, the words are, Munchichi Munchichi, oh how soft and cuddly, with your thumb in your mouth you're really neat!  (I don't remember the Yayayaya part, but now that I know it, I better add it next time I sing it to her.) [youtube=]

Toilet Boilet Boil It

Tonight I was asking Sylvia what rhymes with chair?  What rhymes with pot?  Etc.  She certainly knows how to rhyme, except for when I say, what rhymes with bean and for some reason, she is just too tempted to say, "WEINER!"  She then asked me, "What rhymes with toilet?"  I told her that I couldn't think of any real words that rhyme with toilet, just made up words like boilet, kroilet, moilet.  She then said, "Mom, boilet's a real word!"  I said, "Oh really?  What does it mean?"  She explained, "Like you BOIL IT in a pot!"


For Family Home Evening last Monday night we talked about compliments.  The other day we were in Target and Isabel pointed out a checker with a flower in her hair.  Isabel said, "I think her flower is really pretty."  I agreed as I pushed our cart on towards the exit.  I then stopped and said, "Do you want to tell her that?!"  Isabel said yes (if I were to come with her of course.) So we walked back to where the checker was, I held Isabel's hand and we waited for a moment while she helped some customers.  Once we had her attention I told her that Isabel wanted to tell her something.  Isabel then said, "I like your flower!"  and the checker of course was very sweet and said, "Thank you, I like your bow in your hair!"  As inconvenient and weird as this seemed to me at the time, going very much out of our way to pay a stranger a compliment, I am so glad that I thought to encourage Isabel. We are so proud of Luke!  Last Saturday he completed his Gamma Math book.  I know he was very frustrated and discouraged at times, but he worked hard and has now confidently defeated GAMMA!  We gave him options on how he could celebrate, go to a movie, out to eat, etc.  He chose to have unlimited video game playing time for the whole day, chicken tacos and homemade Oreo ice cream for dinner and a Mario Kart family tournament.  They then watched Peter Pan and fell asleep in the livingroom.

Just so you know, according to Sylvia, cactus is pronounced cah-cuh-dus.  Plural is cah-cuh-dus-es.